Club Officers Management


To edit club officers, you must be logged in as Editor.

Note: To toggle between viewing the site and using the admin Dashboard menu, click on PebbleCreek Democratic Club in the upper-left corner.

To begin editing club officers, select Club Business / Club Officers and then select Edit Page from the top black menu.

Add New Officer

  1. Place cursor in last row.
  2. Click on Edit Table icon. *
  3. Select Insert Row After.
  4. Add data.
  5. Click on Update (or Save) button.

Edit Officer

  1. Find row containing officer to be edited.
  2. Edit data.
  3. Click on
  4. Click on Update (or Save) button.
  5. .

Delete Officer

  1. Place cursor in row contain officer to be deleted.
  2. Click on Edit Table icon* and select Delete.
  3. Click on Update (or Save) button.

* Edit Table icon looks like this: