As of January 2024 the PebbleCreek Democratic Club Outreach Committee continues relationships with a number of community organizations. Donations are sorted by item, their condition, and needs of each organization. All organizations are not-for-profit.
Homeless Youth Connection – Serves youth ages 13 – 21 with housing, educational assistance, life skills training, case management.
NEEDS: $$$, clothing for teens, bikes, electronics.
Phoenix Rescue Mission – Serves all ages with clothing, food, ready-to-eat meals.
NEEDS: $$$, clothing for all ages, sanitary supplies, diapers, toys,
Agua Fria Food and Clothing Bank – Serves families with monthly food allotment and “day bags” for those without access to cooking facilities. Showers for those experiencing homelessness.
NEEDS: $$$, non-perishable food, fruits in season, sanitary supplies, diapers.
New Life Center / Hope’s Closet – Re-sell household items, clothing, toys with proceeds going toward resources for families and individuals in abusive situations. They give items to families they are serving and also sell valuables on line.
NEEDS: $$$, clothing for all ages, household supplies, toys.
Meals of Joy – Home-delivered hot meals weekdays to needy individuals.
NEEDS: $$$, frozen meats
Dress for Success – Helps prepare men and women returning to the work force by providing support, training, and wardrobe assistance.
NEEDS: $$$; nicer, clean clothing (both sexes) in good condition; jewelry
Glendale Community College – Classes in photo/journalism; instruct students in all aspects of photography.
NEEDS: cameras, camera equipment, photography books, film, etc…
Goodyear Public Library – Shelve books they can use; resell the rest, helping to fund Friends of the Library
NEEDS: Books, records, CDs, DVDs
Maricopa County Humane Society –
House homeless pets, provide vet care, place animals in adoptive homes.
NEEDS: $$$; bath towels; “throws” for animal bedding; dog and cat toys, leashes and collars; disposable gloves; cat scratch pads; cat litter pans; pet carriers.
Acceptable Items
All non-perishable canned/dry food product
Baby food and formula
Citrus fruit during season
All shoes and clothing items for men, women, and children
Purses, bags, luggage
Clean undergarments
Hats, coats, gloves
Televisions in working order
Small HH appliances in working order (lamps, toasters, coffee makers, etc…)
Plates and cups, glasses, pots and pans, cutlery
Bed sheets, pillow cases, blankets, towels, wash cloths
Pet toys
Pet supplies (carriers, beds, dishes, leashes, collars, etc…)
Pet treats (The Humane Society buys their own food for the dogs and cats, but they like treats.)
Old towels for bathing pets
Throws and blankets for bedding
Diapers for babies, kids and adults
Books, records, CDs, DVDs
Jewelry (excluding earrings)
Toys, games
Cameras, camera equipment, photography books, film
School supplies, preferably in July and August in preparation for the school year
Although the Club gets absolutely nothing but kudos for the donations that we deliver, we always make sure that the agencies know that the items are coming from the DEMOCRATIC CLUB in PebbleCreek. Many members deliver their donations directly to the agencies. When that’s done, it’s appreciated if you would text me so we can add your donation (pounds or $$$) to our tally for that month. We’re rightfully proud of how we help our community!
All of the items that have been donated to us from PC residents have always been clean and in great shape. Thank-you! Occasionally we receive donations from elsewhere and those often require laundering before we donate them.
Dress for Success asks that the items that we take to them be ironed and on hangers. If you anticipate that your donation may go to Dress for Success AND if you have it on a hanger in your closet, it’s most helpful if you can bring the items to us on their hangers so they won’t have to be ironed again.
Questions? Text or call! Judy and Ross Hart (541) 747-4821