To manage board meeting minutes, you must be logged in as MeetingMgr.
Note: To toggle between viewing the site and using the admin Dashboard menu, click on PebbleCreek Democratic Club in the upper-left corner.
1. Before uploading the file, name the new board meeting minutes pdf file as follows: Board-Meeting-Minutes–Mmm-YYYY.pdf where Mmm is the three-letter month name and YYYY is the year. (Example: Board-Meeting-Minutes-Oct-2024.pdf)
2. Click on PebbleCreek Democratic Club/Dashboard in the upper left corner to expose the Admin menu.
3. Go to Media/Add New Media on the Admin menu.
4. Upload the new board meeting minutes pdf file.
5. Click on PebbleCreek Democratic Club/Visit Site in the upper left corner of the page.
6. Go to Club Business/Meeting Information/Board Mtg Minutes.
7. Click Edit Page on the top black toolbar.
8. Make sure you are in “Text” mode (upper right corner of text field).
9. Copy any one of the lines.
10. Paste the line at the top of the list.
11. Edit the dates.
12. If there are more than six lines, delete any bottom lines to make six.
13. Click Update.
14. Click View Page in the black menu at the top of the page.
15. Test the link.*
*In case of error and another file by the same name must be uploaded to the Media Library, the erroneous file must first be deleted from the Media Library. Otherwise, the system will see that there is a file by the same name and will attach a digit to the new file’s name: e.g., Board-Meeting-Minutes-Sep-2024.pdf is renamed Board-Meeting-Minutes-Sep-2024-1.pdf and each subsequent file by that name will increase the digit, e.g., Board-Meeting-Minutes-Sep-2024-2.pdf.