Club Overview and Welcome Message

Welcome to the Pebble Creek Democratic Club

We are pleased you have joined us. The Club is founded on the goal of providing a range of opportunities to be involved in our community, county, state, and national levels. Through our meetings we provide a forum for members and guests to be informed and to provide input on democratic issues affecting our community. The Program Committee schedules engaging speakers for our monthly meetings to educate and inspire us on a variety of topics of interest to the group.

Community Outreach Committee
We also support a number of local charitable and non- profit organizations that serve throughout our area. Information is provided by our Community Outreach Committee as to how members can help these organizations through donating materials and resources, as well as contributing time and expertise. Through the years, the Club has made a significant impact on each of the organizations with whom we partner.

Social Committee
The Club sponsors a number of social activities that are great fun, provide the means to experience some exciting new events, and to form great friendships. The exceptional Social Committee plans a wide range of happenings, such as: game nights, book clubs, dinners, dances, luncheons, and picnics, as well as scheduling for members to attend concerts, theater, ballgames, and others. There is also a very active singles group that plan a number of fun and interesting events.

Political Committee
The Club’s Political Committee works to keep us informed of ways in which members can engage in the political process. Members have assisted with voter registration, monitoring election poll sites, assisting candidates, among other opportunities to be involved in the governance of our nation.

Communication Committee
Keeping all of our members abreast of each of these areas of the Club is the mission of the Communication Committee. Regular e-mails, e-group postings, Facebook information, flyers posted at both Tuscany and Eagle’s Nest, as well as the Club website, are utilized to keep members apprised of the Club events and actions.