Event Management

To edit events, you must be logged in as EventMgr.

Note: To toggle between viewing the site and using the admin Dashboard menu, click on PebbleCreek Democratic Club in the upper-left corner.

Add a New Event

1. Select Dashboard/Events/Add New Event on the Admin menu.
2. Complete information.

3. For events that allow bookings, put the following in the Tickets section:

  • Click checkbox for Enable registration for this event.
  • Click Edit under Standard Ticket.
  • Ticket Name: Reserved Spaces
  • Ticket Description: No physical ticket required.
  • Spaces: Indicate maximum available spaces (default is 10).
  • Available for: Select from dropdown (Everyone or Logged In Users)
  • Plus any other pertinent information (price, etc.)
  • In the Description box near the top, copy and paste the following: If bookings are closed and you want to be placed on a waiting list, complete and submit this form.

4. Click Publish button.

Duplicate an Event

1. Select Events on the Admin menu.
2. If the event to be duplicated has already passed, select Past Events from dropdown menu above list and click on Filter.
3. Under the name of the event of interest, click Duplicate.
4. Change date, time, description, etc., as necessary.
5. Click Publish button.

Edit an Event

1. Select Events on the Admin menu.
2. Hover over the name of the event of interest and select Edit.
3. Make necessary modifications.
4. Click Update button.

Delete an Event

1. Select Events on the Admin menu.
2. Hover over the name of the event of interest and select Trash.

List Booked Event Participants

1. Select Events on the Admin menu.
2. Hover over the name of the event of interest and select Edit.
3. Scroll down to Bookings.
4. Under Bookings click on the download icon:

5. Select desired fields.
6. Click Export.
7. Click X to exit page.
8. Locate CSV (comma separated values) file in your Download folder. Open in your spreadsheet app.

Add a New Location

1. Go to Events/Locations.
2. Select Add Location at top of page.
3. Enter location name in Add title field.
4. Enter Address and City/Town.
5. Uncheck Allow Comments.
6. Click Publish button.