Forgotten Password

You must be logged in as MembershipChair or HelpDesk.

Note: To toggle between viewing the site and using the admin Dashboard menu, click on PebbleCreek Democratic Club in the upper-left corner.

  1. Go to Dashboard/Users.
  2. Locate the member record.*
  3. Hover over the record and click Edit.
  4. Scroll down to New Password.
  5. Click on Set New Password.
  6. Change password to ChangePassword.
  7. Click on Update User.
  8. Send Forgotten Password email.

*If a user record cannot be located:

  1. Go to Dashboard/Partipants Database/List Participants.
  2. Locate member record.
  3. If a member record exists, send Need to Register email.
  4. If a member record does not exist, send Need to Request Membership email.