Handling Duplicate Email Registration

To handle duplicate email registration, you must be logged in as MembershipChair or Treasurer or HelpDesk.

Note: To toggle between viewing the site and using the admin Dashboard menu, click on PebbleCreek Democratic Club in the upper-left corner.

If the user encounters the error of duplicate emails in the regular Website Registration form, they are directed to fill out the Duplicate Email Registration form instead. Upon submission of this form the user’s name, preferred username, preferred password AND a bogus email will be registered. (This will give them immediate login access to the website.) The user will then be instructed to provide their actual email address which will be entered into the Change Email table of Dashboard/WPFormsDB. This database should be checked regularly for entries.

For each table entry, do the following:

  1. Note first and last name.
  2. Copy Email
  3. Go to Dashboard/Users/All Users.
  4. Type last name into search field and click Search.
  5. Hover over Username  and click on Edit.
  6. Paste correct email over bogus email.
  7. Click on Update User button.
  8. Return to Dashboard/WPFormsDB
  9. Delete the record from the Duplicate Email Registration table.

The reason for this extra work is because WordPress, on its own, does not allow duplicate emails to be registered. However, with these few extra steps we are able to work around the problem.