Yearly Dues Update

Oct 1

Reset Payment Status from Paid to Pending

Log in as Membership Chair.

1. Select Participants Database/List Participant.

2. Set Payment Status is Pending and click Apply.

3. For each record, click the pencil icon to begin editing.

4. Change Membership Status to Inactive.

5. Submit changes.

6. (Optional) Select Participants Database/List Participants to verify entry.

7. Email the following acknowledgment to the member:

Subject: PC Democratic Club Membership Record

Your membership has become inactive due to lack of dues payment.  To reinstate your membership, pay your dues for this upcoming membership as described here.

Pebble Creek Democratic Club

Sort by:
Last NameFirst NamePebbleCreek AddressMobile PhoneHome Phone
Bacon Dru 15679 W Avalon Drive 623-606-8846
Bacon Regena 15679 West Avalon Drive 623-810-9385 623-810-9385
Bee Richard 16474 W. Roanoke Ave. 415-279-1198
Curtis Kathi 1981 N 165th Dr 360-907-1555 360-907-1555
Dawn Harvey 16916 W. Vernon Avenue 623-350-9162
Flynn Carmel 15635 W Monterey Way 503-318-4160
Hart Ross 11520 W. Catalina Drive 541-554-2679 541-554-2679
Ishibashi Glenn 3175 N 159th Dr 775-338-8899
Karen Cochran 16781 W Almeria Rd 785-550-5052
KoneffKlatt Steven 4050 N 162nd Dr. Goodyear, AZ. 85395 510-333-5489 510-333-5489