Membership Enrollment Procedure

Note: To toggle between viewing the site and using the admin Dashboard menu, click on PebbleCreek Democratic Club in the upper-left corner.

Step 1. Address Verification and Payment Receipt

To perform address verification and payment receipt, you must be logged in as Treasurer

Upon receipt of payment:

1. Click on PebbleCreek Democratic Club/Dashboard in upper left corner to expose Admin menu.
2. Select Participants Database/List Participants on Admin menu.
3. Near top set the fields to read “Show only records with: Payment status that is Pending “.
4. Click on Filter.
5. Verify residency.
6a. If residency is not approved:

  • Delete the corresponding database record as follows:
    • Click the box to the left of record to be deleted.
    • Near top of list select “Delete” in dropdown menu.
    • Click on “Apply“.
  • Email an explanation to Requester.
  • Refund payment.

6b. If residency is approved…continue:
7. Deposit dues payment.
8. Click on pencil icon to edit corresponding entry and change the following fields in the form:

  • Change Payment Status to Paid.
  • Enter Payment Date.
  • Change Membership Status  to Active.
  • If necessary, change Membership Year.

9. Submit form.

Step 2. Finalizing Membership

To finalize membership, you must be logged in as MembershipChair.

1. Click on Pebble Creek Democratic Club/Dashboard in upper left corner to expose Admin menu.
2. Select Participants Database/List Participants on Admin menu.
3. Near top set the fields to read “Show only records with:  [Welcome Letter Sent]  is  [No] “.
4. Click on Filter.

For each record:

5. In Constant Contact:

  • If not in Constant Contact (new member):
    • Add to Constant Contact.
    • Order badge.
  • If already in Constant Contact (renewing member):
    • Update Constant Contact (if necessary).
  • In either case:
    • Tag as “Active”.
    • Send New Welcome Letter.

6. In Participant Database:

  • Click on pencil icon to edit corresponding entry.
  • Set Badge Ordered to Yes.
  • Set CC Updated to Yes.
  • Set Welcome letter sent to Yes.
  • Submit form.

7. Check WPForms DB to handle any outstanding Change Membership Info Requests and/or Duplicate Email Requests.